Does anybody blog anymore? I guess Facebook has taken over.
My friend out here asked me why I haven't blogged for a while. I guess I was going to start to write about fitness tips but then my neighbor started a blog just for that so I thought that'd be really redundant. I guess I could use my blog as an outlet for me.
A lot of changes have taken place for me and for my little family. As many of you know, I haven't been able to find a teaching job out here like I wanted. It's kind of a punch in the face, to work so hard trying to get through school and then not being about to utilize what you've worked so hard for. I graduated with two kids and a mortgage payment. I didn't even get to party or date during college (my fault, I know and I'm NOT complaining. My girls are completely worth it.) Not to mention the money that was shelled out for that useless degree. I guess it wouldn't be so hard if I didn't love teaching so much. I looked forward to each and every single day. It's depressing.
Life goes on! Joseph and I have also decided to separate. I don't know what else to say other than that.