Monday, February 1, 2010

Joe's new thing

Joe has always talked about getting a pool table. I was so objected to the idea because it's stupid but he got one anyway. Luckily, this can be switched into a formal dining room table for when we have visitors or something. I just think this picture is funny, because Kennedy is learning how to play and Cassidee is reading a book. Kennedy is so much like Joe and Cass is so much like me. Joseph is pretty excited so I guess that's what is important. He works hard for us and we appreciate all he does.


Kristi Lou said...

Looks like fun. I like the color too!

Alison said...

Fun, i want to see a picture of it as the table.

Angie said...

Looks like tons of fun! I love that Cassidee is reading a book! I want to see a picture of it as a table too.

Melanie said...

yes - bring on the table pic :) - sounds like a 2 for 1 deal - something for him & her - ;)

Karen and Adam said...

Wow....I better not show Adam this blog. He'll start figuring out ways to transform things like snow-mobiles or riding-lawnmowers into tables and then buy them "for me."

Kara said...

How fun! i want a pool table

Diana said...

so fun. Lou's parents have a pool table in their basement. We love playing when we're there.

The Cox's said...

We also have a pool table. Maybe Cort had dreams of becoming a pool shark--either way--he played every weekend for several weeks and then the novelty soon wore off.

Seriously, I don't think that table has been played on for 2 years.

Hopefully Joe doesn't meet the "novelty wearing off" demise.


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