Saturday, August 15, 2009

Top 10 things I've noticed

So, I've been here for a week. I have yet to move into the house. In fact, it has a huge tent over it while it gets fumigated. For the time being, the girls and I have enjoyed 7 days of lounging poolside and shopping for their new rooms. It has been a bit of a vacation minus getting them registered for school. We get to move in next Thursday and I'm pretty excited because it is a house with much potential. I will be posting numerous posts of the current projects we will be doing. For now, these are things I've noticed about the area I'll be living in...

1. I have to be a really aggressive driver. Like, pedal to the metal when entering the freeway (thank goodness for my V8)
2. People rarely make eye contact with me unless I'm directly talking to them. Except for when I'm running...other runners will smile.
3. I miss technology. I haven't been able to check any one's blogs because the computer at the hotel is the slowest!!!
4. I talked once to the housekeeper in Spanish (Tengo un gato) and now she really thinks I know what the heck I'm talking about. Ummmmm, not so much.
5. Sales tax is butt high.
6. Schools have lunch rooms outside. Who knew?
7. People here love their dogs and so many people have them.
8. Everywhere you go, people are riding their bikes. I bought Cassidee a new bike for her birthday.
9. I love GPS. I've never used it before, now I'm so thankful to have it.
10. I'm really lonely. I miss Kim and the rest of my friends from school, the gym, or my neighbors. I feel real sad at times.

Friday, August 7, 2009

More family pix. I love these girls as though they are my own....wait. Oh ya. We got the cousins involved. LOVE them.
Sicily turns 3 next Thursday.

Cassidee turns 11 on the 17th. I can't believe I have an 11-year-old.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Almost time to go

Recently we celebrated Kennedy's 7th birthday. We had a great party outside with a big slide and a couple of her friends and cousins. It was great. Also, every summer, I get the girls pictures taken. Here is my cute little Kennedy. She looks so angelic... Lily is her BFF from school. They embraced upon arrival.
We also had a party with the family outside but this computer at my mom's is the slowest!!! So, I have to do bits and pieces. Anyway, this party was for all three girls since Cassidee and Sicily have birthday next week. It was fun. I'm so grateful for my family and all they've done for me. I also got hot rims for the car. Nissan recommended new tires so I went to Kim's brother's work, and they talked me into new rims too. I had like 7 cute boys surrounding do you say no???

Also, Kim and I went to a much needed Vegas vacation last weekend. It was her 30th and since I've been single for a bit, I needed some time away! We sat in the pool, ate sushi, and saw Seinfeld's comedy show. It was such a blast!
By the way, my brother wants the boat. I'm sorry! My dad wants to keep it in the family, so it worked out. Sorry I didn't say something sooner.
Also, I leave on Saturday....two days away....what????


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