It bugs me when the pictures are backwards. I always think I remember how to do it but I don't....this is all the girls' candy after trick or treating. They got so much; it was ridiculous. Luckily, somebody from school did a drive for candy for the troops. We got rid of a ton.
Those shutters in the background are my new excitement. We did the front windows of the house and it looks amazing. The girls are cute too :)
Cassidee used a costume from last year's 5
th grade play, Kennedy used Krista's (thanks!) veil and flowers to be a bride, and Sicily was Tinkerbell.
Sicily went to
Cassidee's school in costume #1. She was a "princess".
Cassidee's LA teacher did a "Celebration of Writing" so parents got to come in a listen.
Cassidee loves this teacher. She isn't afraid to talk about things that matter and she grasps the attention of her class.
Kennedy got to be in her first Halloween parade. At the school where I taught, we didn't really celebrate Halloween so she was excited to wear her costume to school.
It was a good weekend. We played games with the neighbors, went swimming, bike rides, I got to run a lot, and new shutters. I'm so lucky.
I love the pic of them w/ their pile of candy. So cute!!!
What a fun Halloween! I remember LOVING my Halloween parades when I was little....sigh. :) You really have beautiful girls, Rachel!!
Your kids looks darling! The halloween parade is so cute! I guess we don't get to do that here in Utah! But I do remember doing that when I was young, wow now I am sounding old huh:)
Where do you find all this time to blog like this women??? I don't even have time to breath here. It's so cute and you have so much dedication heheheheh miss ya =)
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