Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Issues for the Day

First of all, this is my new baby nephew. His name is Jackson Hamilton Wilson. He has been in the NICU for a week. I can't wait to hold this little guy! Darci is a trooper. She had so many complications with her first pregnancy and still pulled through. Way to go Darci!
WE LOVE YOU! And second...Please don't judge me!

I am a total Desperate Housewives junkie!

It all started last year. When you have three kids and it is winter time, there isn't a whole lot to do. Joseph put "Grey's Anatomy" on our Q because we were having a "lack of movies to watch" problem. I absolutely fell in love with this show. The characters, the relationships of the patients, the hot guys :)

Anyway, when we got all caught up, I was going through withdrawals so Joseph put Desperate Housewives on. At first I thought, "No way! That show is total trash!" but we started to watch anyway. It took me some time to actually like it but now I love it too! It is so scandalous. (I still think it is a teensy trashy...don't tell the bishop I watch it!)

My problem is this...I am currently watching last season on disk. I recorded all of this season to watch when I am finished but accidentally deleted ALL 7 episodes last night. When I told Joe, who has been in bed for three days (get him outta here!), he lacked any kind of sympathy and said, "It's your fault for being so anal and always wanting to delete things." I went online and they only have episodes 4-7 to watch. But I can't even watch those until I finish last season and by the time I get done with last season, even more will be taken off the Internet! What am I going to do????? I am having anxiety just typing about it.

I guess I am asking...does anyone have these episodes? I am probably the only person in Utah (besides my dear BFF, Kim) who watches this show.

What a dumb post...except Jackson!


We are the Dall family said...

You are not the only one!! Ryan and I watch it too! Sorry I can't help you catch up.

The Stones said...

You are a riot, and I have lots of friends that watch that show-unfortunately, I don't (not because it's scandalous, but I'm always busy Sunday nights!) so I'm not much help! But you crack me up anyway!

Alison said...

I watch some pretty slezy stuff. When your husband works for the cable company and you get every sation imagible. There are some pretty good series on Showtime and HBO. would my bishop approve of any of them? not on your life. Our Favorite show was Deadwood. Sadly it is not on anymore. I get very serious about my tv shows. Try youtube. you have to watch them in 8 minute snipets but that is how my friend watched Project Runway when she was too cheep to get calbe.

Kimberly Lee said...

Uhhh, I don't think so, this show is the best, and we are definitely not the only ones that watch, it has been on for 4 years. Somebody is watching! Love ya!

p.s.I guess I could talk you through all of them, but it's not as fun. Oh yeh and Jackson is adorable. Tell Darci congrats for me.

The Geddes Family said...

Oh my gosh Rachel, I love that show! I don't own it on DVD, but I will ask around.


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