I guess I need to vent tonight. I'm used to Joseph being gone and it really doesn't bother me. He is up in Oregon this week and I guess I am tired. I will try to create a vivid description of my week so far...only half way through.
Mondays are always awesome for some reason.
Tuesday started well. On the days that I have to be to school by 8:00 a.m., Joseph takes Sicily to East Layton and I take the older girls to school with me. This is what we did on Tuesday morning.
Then I got to school, had a meeting, heard "
Puedo ir el bano,
por favor?" about a thousand times, had ANOTHER meeting, and left by 4:30. Then it was off to get Sicily from my job share's house (thanks Bethany!) and over to get
Cassidee and the carpool kids from gymnastics. I stopped for dinner-thanks to Subway-took the friends home and rushed us home. By this time, it is close to 6:00. I hurried and changed, get the girls fed and off to the gym for one of my favorite classes at 6:50.
On the way home=drama. Sicily is
poopey, Kennedy is screaming at the top of her lungs because of the smell. Our
Amarda didn't seem that big anymore.
Cassidee lets Sicily out of her car seat and
madness occurs. Poor Kim just wants to get home to her sweet angel babies! When we get home, I get called a lot of names. For instance, "promise breaker". Kennedy is mad because I can't get the computer to work and I told her she could play on Club Penguin. JEEZ! I can't wait until 9:00.
Today...I have the day off. But I'm changing diapers, doing laundry, dishes, getting groceries, and trying to get the stupid computer to work. Then, Joseph calls. I get a little cranky when he talks about his day. "Well, I didn't get to
that Rachel. I was really busy. We were out to eat last night and I was golfing with clients all day. I'm just heading to go out right now." What?????
But then everything turns all worth it.
Cassidee just told me that I am a great mom and that she loves me, Kennedy spent five minutes jumping up and down because I got her Cinnamon Toast Crunch at the store, and Sicily is snug in her bed. I love my girls and I love my job. I'm also
grateful for all the friends I have that get me through the day! That is enough venting for the night! Whew, thanks for listening.